Sony Network Taiwan Limited
Sony Network Taiwan Limited is using 7 IP ranges with a total count of 384768 IPs. All IPs are located in Taiwan. We found 23 different cities in 18 regions. For example in Taipei, Hsinchu and Keelung.
IP details for Sony Network Taiwan Limited
Total IPs | 384768 |
Total IP ranges | 7 |
Different Countries | 1 |
Different Regions | 18 |
Different Cities | 23 |
IPs used by Sony Network Taiwan Limited
IP ranges of Sony Network Taiwan Limited
IP start | IP End | # IPs |
27.???.?.? | 27.???.??.??? | 20992 |
27.???.??.? | 27.???.???.??? | 44288 |
39.?.?.? | 39.?.???.??? | 65536 |
61.??.???.? | 61.??.???.??? | 8192 |
61.??.?.? | 61.??.???.??? | 65536 |
61.??.??.? | 61.??.???.??? | 49152 |
219.??.?.? | 219.??.???.??? | 131072 |